In April 2020, with Covid19 keeping us confined to our homes, a conversation between two BIM Communities, one based in Johannesburg, South Africa and the other in Lagos, Nigeria, took place.
With the plethora of online BIM events that erupted, a question was asked. Where was Africa? Why was her voice not included? And so a seed was sown which led to the birth of BIMHarambee.Africa.
A conference by Africans, for Africa to showcase and promote her own people – their skills, their knowledge, their passion, their commitment to seeing BIM take its rightful place in her development. In the words of the poet June Jordan, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
Welcome to BIMHarambee.Africa – a proudly African endeavour which seeks to bring all BIM practitioners – novice, expert, master – together to pool our individual drops into an overflow which Raises the BIM Tide across Africa. We will hear from these passionate individuals as they share their knowledge with you. And we hope you will lend them your curiosity, your time, your open hearts and ears. We will engage with each other, we will learn together, make friends and form new networks and alliances. BIMHarambee.Africa will sow the seed for future collaborations and advance BIM adoption in Africa.
BIMHarambee.Africa is not an online conference. It is a groundswell, a clarion call. Thank you for joining us.